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Land Acknowledgement

The church supports the City of Mankato’s land acknowledgement agreement found here:  We recognize the need to address the brokenness of our history and to participate in the church’s ongoing ministry of reconciliation with the Dakota following the role the church’s ancestors played in the Dakota War.


We acknowledge that we live and thrive in Mahkato (mah-KAH-toh), the traditional homeland of the Dakota (dah-KO-tah) Nation and other Indigenous Peoples. The land we are on holds significance as a cultural and spiritual place for the Dakota Peoples and connects to their vibrant cultures, traditions and ways of life.


We recognize this land was forcibly taken by the U.S. government and acknowledge the deliberate actions of generations that came before us to suppress Indigenous Peoples cultural and spiritual heritage. We also recognize the displacement and exile of the Dakota Peoples and the execution of 38+2 Dakota men.


We honor and respect the ongoing work of Indigenous and non-Indigenous People towards reconciliation efforts in Mahkato, especially Dakota Elder Amos Owen and Mahkato residents Bud Lawrence and Jim Buckley Sr. 


We remain committed to moving in a spirit of reconciliation and accountability by offering this land acknowledgement and continuing to:


  • Partner, collaborate and maintain relationships with Indigenous communities.

  • Embrace Indigenous Peoples past, present and future contributions.

  • Provide space for traditional and contemporary cultural activities.

  • Review policies that impact Indigenous Peoples.

This land acknowledgement will serve as a living document to be reviewed and updated.



First Presbyterian also supports the development of a future acknowledgement.  

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